Monday, May 11, 2015

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Make Your Scalp and Hair Healthy

apple cider vinegar for scalp
To have healthy hair, one needs to have a healthy scalp. So, it is necessary to provide the nutrients for the scalp and to maintain the health of the scalp. Apple cider vinegar is an age old remedy for keeping the scalp and hair healthy. This is one of the popular methods to cleanse the scalp as it is easily available and are cost effective. When you use organic ACV on the hair, it cleanses the hair and reduces hair-loss caused by various reasons. It is very effective in preventing dry scalp and dandruff and reduces itching. Vinegar has the ability to control the growth of bacteria and fungi which clogs the hair follicles from where the hair grows.

How ACV Is Good For Your Scalp And Hair?

People from different parts have been using ACV as a health remedy for food preservation, and for the cosmetic problems in the skin. This remedy makes a shiny appearance to your hair and makes it healthy. Here are the facts which make ACV a great option to maintain or improve scalp health and thereby improving hair growth.
  1. Apple cider vinegar when used in proper concentration can act as disinfectant for scalp by preventing the growth of fungus. This is highly efficient in removing itchy and dry scalp conditions
  2. It is rich in active enzymes, mallic acid and has antiseptic property which prevents the growth of, bacterial and yeast infection causing itchy scalp.
  3. It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties which prevents various infections that may affect your scalp and cause hair loss
  4. It maintains  the pH balance of the scalp, thus preventing the scalp from any infections and dryness
  5. It acts as a natural cleanser for hair and scalp as the acetic acid present in ACV removes dirt and any remnants of styling gels and shampoos and makes your hair look softer and lighter.
  6. The clogged follicles get opened when ACV is applied on the scalp and act like a conditioner
  7. The acidic content in the vinegar reduces flaking and itchiness
  8. Vinegar contains essential nutrients like potassium, iron, Vitamins A, C, B1, B6, which provide perfect nutrients for the growth of hair
  9. The alpha-hydroxyl acids present in  the ACV removes the dead top layers of the scalp  and  thoroughly helps in preventing scalp psoriasis
  10. ACV with its alkaline nature prevents scalp problems and also help to heal small scratches on the scalp.

Best Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Scalp and Hair

There are plenty of problems that are faced by your scalp in your day to day activities. Some of the most common scalp problems are: flaking, dandruff, itchiness and dryness. You normally use the conditioners and shampoos to get rid of these problems. But, why not try using the following apple cider vinegar methods to treat your scalp naturally and to make it problem free. The following are some of the ways you can use ACV to treat various scalp problems.

Method 1 (Vinegar Rinse)

A vinegar rinse for the scalp is an effective and natural way by which you will be able to keep your scalp healthy and prevent itchiness and flaking.
  • In a small bowl, take ¼ cup of vinegar and ¾ cup of water and mix well.
  • Pour this mixture in an empty spray or squeeze bottle.
  • Rinse your hair with this solution in between the shampooing and conditioning of your hair.
  • Pour the mixture on the roots of your hair and allow it to sit on your scalp for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Massage your scalp occasionally and rinse it off from your scalp after 5 minutes.
  • Now apply the conditioner on your hair from roots to the end and then pat it dry.
  • This will help in reducing the itchy feeling and make the scalp healthy.

Method 2: (ACV or Plain White Vinegar)

Follow this process to treat dry, itchy, dry itchy scalp and hair problems.
  • Mix ¼ cup of organic ACV or white vinegar to a cup of water and pour it in an empty spray bottle.
  • Now apply the mixture generously all over your scalp and hair while bathing.
  • Massage it gently on your scalp so that it reaches completely and sits all over your hair.
  • Allow it to sit on your hair for 3 to 5 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Now apply shampoo on your hair and rinse it off and then pat dry.

Method 3 (Diluted Vinegar)

  • Add ¼ cup of white vinegar in ½ cup of water and mix it well.
  • Pour the mixture into a clean spraying bottle.
  • Spray this solution on your hair and scalp evenly.
  • Allow it to rest on your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • This process will help in treating itchy scalp, dry scalp and dandruff.

Method 4 (White Vinegar)

  • In a bowl, take ½ cup vinegar and to this add 2 cups of warm water. Mix well.
  • After you have shampooed your hair, use this vinegar mixture to rinse your hair.
  • You can even add a few drops of sage oil to this mixture. Now allow this mixture to rest on your scalp for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair completely and repeat this process every week.

Apple Cider Vinegar To Prevent Scalp Buildup

If you are a person who is using hair styling products on your hair, it is difficult to remove the product buildup on the scalp by shampooing alone. Giving an Apple cider vinegar rinse for the scalp and hair will help in removing this buildup efficiently.

Method 1 (Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and equal amount of water
  • After shampooing and conditioning, massage this solution into hair and scalp
  • Leave it on the hair and scalp for 5 minutes and rinse off completely
  • Repeat the remedy whenever you use styling products on the hair to make your scalp and hair clean and healthy

Method 2 (ACV With Shampoo And Conditioner)

  • Mix one part of apple cider vinegar with 3 parts of water or as required according to the length of the hair
  • Wet your hair and use a clarifying shampoo on the entire length of the hair and scalp and lather it.
  • Take a brush with wide bristles and gently brush the scalp in circular movement
  • Wash off the shampoo with cold water and apply the prepared apple cider solution
  • Massage into the scalp for about 3 minutes
  • Rinse the hair with cold water to remove the vinegar
  • Now apply  the conditioner  and comb the hair from root to the tip
  • Cover the hair using shower cap and leave the conditioner on the hair for 20-30 minutes
  • Wash your hair with water after 30 minutes to get shiny and silky hair with clean scalp.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Dry Itchy Scalp

ACV helps to balance the pH level of the scalp and to relieve dryness and itchiness. Here is how to use it
  • Take 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of honey and 3-4 drops of soy oil or olive oil 3-4 drops of peppermint and tea tree oil
  • Mix all the ingredients and pour it into a microwave safe bottle
  • Shake well and microwave the bottle for 10 seconds
  • Apply this on the hair by dividing the hair into small parts
  • Tie up the hair after applying the solution
  • After 10 minutes, rinse off with shampoo and water

Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair And Scalp

Apple cider vinegar helps to get rid of excessive oil and dead skin and cleanses the hair and scalp. It moisturizes the hair and prevents dryness. You will find itchiness and flaking reduced after using ACV for cleaning the hair and scalp

Method 1 (ACV with coconut oil and avocado)

  • Mix equal parts of ACV and water
  • Pour it into a spray bottle and spray the mix on to the hair and scalp
  • Divide the hair into parts and cover the scalp with this mix
  • Allow the scalp to soak in the mix for 5-10 minutes
  • Rinse of the vinegar using tea tree oil containing shampoo
  • Allow the shampoo to remain on the hair for 2-3 minutes and wash it off
  • Make a puree of one avocado  and add two tablespoon coconut oil to it
  • Mix well and apply this mix on the hair and massage well
  • Avocado and coconut oil has a moisturizing and hydrating effect on the scalp and hair
  • Cover your hair using a shower cap
  • Leave the mask on hair for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse it off with water and a mild shampoo
  • Repeat the remedy at least once in a week to cleanse and hydrate your hair and scalp

Method 2 (Vinegar And Baking Soda)

  • Take required amount of baking soda to cover your hair length and mix it with water to make a solution
  • Start applying this mixture from the roots of the hair and scalp.
  • Massage the scalp in circular motion to cleanse it.
  • Wash of the solution with warm water
  • Now take 1part vinegar and mix it with 4 parts of water
  • You can add some essential oil to get rid of the smell of vinegar
  • Apply this on the head and hair.
  • Make sure the whole scalp is covered with this mix
  • Leave it on the hair for five minutes and rinse with cool water

Method 3 (Vinegar)

  • In this method wash the hair using the shampoo at first
  • Take ½ cup of vinegar and add to 2 cups of warm water
  • Rinse your hair using this mixture
  • Leave it on the hair for 30 minutes
  • Wash it thoroughly with water
  • Follow the remedy twice a week to get the best results.

ACV To Control Itchy Scalp

ACV effectively controls itchy scalp by moisturizing the hair and cleansing the hair
Method 1 (Diluted Vinegar)
  • Wash and dry the hair
  • Take equal parts of ACV and water
  • Apply this solution on the scalp using cotton ball
  • Massage the scalp for a few minutes so that the solution spreads to all parts of the scalp
  • Allow the solution to act on the scalp for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off using shampoo and water
  • Continue the remedy once or twice in a week, till you get complete relief from itchy scalp

Method 2 (Vinegar)

  • Clean your hair using shampoo
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar and one cup water
  • Apply this mix to the wet hair
  • Make sure that the solution covers your scalp
  • Massage the scalp for few minutes
  • Wash off with water thoroughly

ACV For Dandruff And Dry Scalp

Try the following methods if you are suffering from dandruff and dry scalp

Method 1 (Vinegar Rinse)

  • Take 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and add it to 2 cups of warm water
  • After shampooing and rinsing apply this mix on the hair and scalp
  • Leave the solution on the hair
  • Once your hair is dry there will not be any smell as you are using diluted vinegar
  • Continue this process twice a week to make the scalp and hair healthy and shining

Method 2 (ACV With Coconut Oil And Tea Tree Oil)

  • Mix equal quantity of vinegar and water
  • Massage your hair and scalp using this mix
  • Keep the solution on hair  for about 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse the hair using shampoo containing tea tree oil
  • When the hair is completely dry, apply coconut oil and give gentle massage
  • Continue this remedy for 4-5 days to remove dandruff and dry scalp

Vinegar To Treat Itchy Scalp And Dandruff

Vinegar contains certain enzymes and acids, which kills the bacillus bacteria  which is responsible for hair problems like flaky scalp, itchy scalp, hair loss, dandruff, etc.

Method 1 (Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • Wet your hair thoroughly
  • Take ½ cup of ACV and apply it on the wet hair and scalp and massage the scalp.
  • Leave it on the hair for 20 minutes and rinse it off with water
  • Repeat this 2-3 times a week to get rid of the dandruff and itchy scalp

Method 2 (ACV with tea tree oil)

  • To half cup ACV, add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil which has anti-dandruff properties
  • Mix the above ingredients in a cup of water
  • Apply this to the hair and gently rub the scalp
  • Leave it for 5 minutes
  • Wash the hair using shampoo and water

ACV Rinse To Get Rid Of Itchy Scalp

To get rid of itchy scalp use ACV rinse. This can be done in two methods

Method 1 (vinegar with rosemary, Aloe vera and honey)

  • Take ½ cup vinegar and water, 3 tablespoons aloe vera juice, 1 teaspoon rosemary oil and  honey
  • Mix all the ingredients and pour into a spray bottle
  • Spray this mix on to your scalp and massage well
  • Cover the head using a shower cap for 20 minutes
  • After 20 minutes take off the cap and rinse with cold water, conditioner and shampoo

Method 2 (ACV And Baking Soda Rinse)

  • Make a paste of 1 tablespoon baking soda with water
  • Rub this paste to your scalp and leave it for a few minutes
  • Take ¼ cup of ACV and mix it ½ cup with water and pour it  over the forehead so that it spreads into the scalp
  • Rinse off the mix after 10 minutes and dry the hair naturally.
  • Repeat the remedy once in a week

Apple Cider Vinegar For Scalp Fungus

Scalp fungus is a condition in which your scalp has fungus due to excess oil and dirt deposits which causes intolerable itching. Vinegar is capable of removing fungus and protects your scalp from fungal infections. The important natural method to remove fungus are given here

Method 1 (Vinegar And Water)

  • Take 2 cups of any vinegar and slightly heat it
  • Allow  this to cool and then add 1/4 cup of this to a cup of water and mix well
  • Apply this solution on your hair before shampooing
  • Leave the solution on scalp for ten minutes and wash it off with mild shampoo
  • Now apply quality conditioner to the hair
  • After conditioning again apply 1/8 cups of the solution to rinse scalp and hair
  • Leave this to dry
  • Continue using the remedy at least twice a week till your scalp is free of fungus and dandruff.

Method 2 (Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • Take equal amount of apple cider vinegar and water
  • Mix it well and apply this on your scalp after shampooing the hair
  • Massage the scalp with the solution starting from the neck and moving towards forehead.
  • Leave the solution on the hair for about 5-7 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Vinegar To Treat Flaky Scalp

The dead and dried skin cells on the scalp are known as flaky scalp. The flaky scalp causes itching by trapping dust and sweat and leads to dandruff problem.  Flakes on the scalp, prevent the production of natural oil by the hair follicles. Vinegar applied on the scalp removes the dirt and dead cells and maintains the pH level. It also moisturizes the hair. There are two ways for using vinegar for flaky scalp.

Method 1 (Vinegar Solution)

  • Take 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 1cup water. You can use either normal vinegar or ACV.
  • Apply the vinegar solution thoroughly on the scalp
  • Keep the vinegar solution for a few minutes on the scalp and then rinse it with water
  • Repeat this remedy twice in a week to remove the dead skin cells on the scalp to and to have cleansed and itch free scalp.

Method 2 (Olive Oil And Vinegar)

  • Take two tablespoons of olive oil and warm it for a few seconds
  • Apply this olive oil on the scalp and massage well
  • 30 minutes after applying comb the hair thoroughly
  • Use water mixed with vinegar to rinse the hair. You can use 2 cups of water mixed in 10 liters of water.
  • You can dry the hair like that or you can wash the hair in running water for a few minutes.

Treating Scalp Psoriasis With ACV

When plaque develops on the scalp as thick patches that area appears red and inflamed, it is known as scalp psoriasis. Any type of vinegar has been used for centuries to kill the bacteria causing itching any irritation caused by psoriasis and to prevent the disease as well. Two methods for treating scalp psoriasis given below

Method 1 ACV

  • Take two tablespoons of ACV and mix it with one cup of water
  • Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and shake well
  • Use this mixture to spray  on the scalp infected by psoriasis
  • You can also dip the washcloth in diluted vinegar solution and apply it on psoriasis affected areas.
  • Keeping the mixture in the refrigerator will reduce the itching and irritation when this remedy is applied on the scalp.
  • You should not try this remedy if you have open sores, cracked skin or bleeding sores on your scalp.

Method 2 (Soaking In Vinegar)

  • Take 1-2 cups of vinegar and add it to your bath water
  • Clean your hair using a shampoo to remove excess oil and dirt.
  • Rinse of shampoo and dry the scalp
  • Apply the vinegar solution on the psoriasis affected areas of the scalp for a few minutes
  • Dry the hair

ACV For Dry Scalp Treatment

The overuse of artificial shampoos and hair styling products on your scalp and hair will leave your hair itchy and also make your hair dry. ACV has anti-bacterial properties that will kill the bacteria that cause flaky, dandruff and dry. The following are the ways you can use apple cider vinegar to treat dry scalp.

Method 1 (White Vinegar)

  • In a bowl, add a quarter cup of vinegar with a cup of water and leave it aside.
  • Shampoo your hair with a natural shampoo and rinse it off completely.
  • Now apply conditioner to your hair and scalp and allow it to stay on the hair for 3 to 5 minutes. After that, rinse off the conditioner.
  • Squeeze out the extra water on your hair. Use your fingertips to massage your hair.
  • Now pour the vinegar rinse over your head by making sure that it gets in contact with your scalp.
  • Leave it to rest on your scalp for 5 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • You can now go for a final rinse with water once again.

Method 2 (Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • Pour cold water on your hair to clear all dust and dirt.
  • Use a cotton ball to dip in a bowl that contains apple cider vinegar.
  • Now press the cotton ball on every inch of your scalp in such a manner that ACV gets in contact with your scalp.
  • Allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes on your scalp and then wash it off with cold water.
  • Repeat this process twice every week to get complete relief from dry scalp.

Method 3 (Apple Cider Vinegar with Conditioners)

  • In a saucepan, add three cups of water and a handful of rosemary. Bring the water to a boil.
  • Reduce the flame to simmer position and then cook the water for about 45 minutes.
  • Strain this mixture and then allow it to cool at room temperature.
  • Now add ½ cup of apple cider vinegar to this solution along with a few drops of rosemary and peppermint oils.
  • Mix this solution well and then store it in a glass spray bottle.
  • Use this solution after shampooing. Leave it to rest on your scalp for a few minutes.
  • Rinse it off and then pat dry your hair. You  will feel nourishment in your scalp and hair.

Method 4 (Apple Cider Vinegar)

  • Take ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and use it on your head after shampooing and rinsing your hair
  • Now use your fingertips to massage the ACV on your scalp and hair for a few minutes.
  • Get out of the shower without washing off the applied ACV from your scalp and hair.

Method 5 (Apple Cider Vinegar with Beer)

  • In a bowl, take 2 cups of beer and to the beer add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Beer is a natural conditioner and will help in nourishing the hair to clear the dryness. It is also very effective on dry scalp.
  • Stir the solution well and then apply it on to your scalp and hair after you have shampooed your hair with a good natural shampoo.
  • Allow it to rest on your scalp and hair for a few minutes.
  • Now use your fingertips to massage your scalp for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the solution of your scalp and repeat the process twice a week to break free from dry scalp condition.

Method 6 (Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse)

  • Ina bowl, add equal quantities of water and apple cider vinegar so that it can cover your scalp.
  • Mix these two solutions well and apply it on your scalp.
  • Massage the ACV- water solution on your scalp and hair for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Was it off with water and then apply a good shampoo.
  • This will help your hair get the nourishment it needs. It will help in preventing dry scalp and dryness problems.

Tips for Using Apple Cider Vinegar on Scalp

Follow the tips given here to get additional benefits for using apple cider vinegar on scalp
  1. Add any type of vinegar to the shampoo or conditioner you are using and apply it on hair to create the lather. After 10 minutes, rinse off the lather to reduce scalp problem
  2. Usually the a diluted solution of vinegar  won’t burn the scalp, however, if you are feeling burning or irritation after applying the mix, rinse off and apply more diluted  vinegar.
  3. Some people may not like the smell of apple cider vinegar. The smell will dissipate once you wash the hair with water and when the hair gets dried.  If you are still finding it difficult to adjust to the smell, dilute it more and apply.
  4. You should not apply vinegar on your oiled hair. The oil prevents the penetration of vinegar into scalp.
  5. Repeat the methods whenever possible to prevent scalp infection
  6. You can also include the vinegar in your diet in the form of salad dressing or using it as preservatives for fruits and vegetables to get the benefits.
  7. If you are suffering from scalp infections it is better to opt for organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized vinegar with mother in it.

Food Safety Strategies From The Market to the Table

 Binge Eating Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery

Tainted animal feed. Spinach scares. Peanut butter recalls. Food safety has been big news lately, which is making many people think twice about what's on their plates.
First, the facts. The FDA says some U.S. hogs, poultry, and farmed fish recently ate animal feed containing Chinese ingredients tainted with an industrial chemical called melamine. But the FDA says people who ate meat from those animals are likely at "very low" risk of melamine-related health problems.
The source of the salmonella outbreak in Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter has been found, and maker ConAgra plans to start shipping Peter Pan Peanut Butter to retailers this summer. And Last fall's E. coli outbreak in fresh bagged spinach is over.
Despite the spate of food safety snafus, America's food safety system works, CDC senior epidemiologist Linda Demma, PhD, tells WebMD.
"I certainly don't think it's broken. I think we can improve, but I don't think it's broken," says Demma, who works in the enteric disease epidemiology branch of the CDC's division of foodborne, bacterial, and mycotic diseases.
"All the food safety agencies are working very hard to collaborate and come up with some ideas on how to improve the meat and produce industry as a whole," Demma says, adding that food industries "are being very cooperative."
In light of food safety issues, the FDA recently created a new FDA job -- assistant commissioner for food protection -- and appointed David Acheson, MD, FRCP, to fill that post. Earlier this year, the FDA issued new guidelines for the fresh-cut produce industry, which market packaged, minimally processed fresh fruits and vegetables.
While food safety controls are being tweaked, here are 15 tips on making your food safer, from the market to the table.
1. Consider your source. Eating locally grown food is becoming more popular, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's safer than supermarket produce.
"Just because you grow it in a farm down the street, it doesn't make it any safer or worse than any other produce that you get," Suresh Pillai, PhD, tells WebMD.
Pillai is a professor of food safety and environmental microbiology at Texas A&M University.
Locally grown food "is pretty much on par with what you would find in a supermarket," in terms of food safety, Demma agrees. "Of course, there [are] other reasons to buy and eat locally," she says.
At farmers markets, you may get the chance to meet and talk with the people who produced your food.
Farmers markets have become more common, with 4,385 U.S. farmers markets in 2006, up from 1,755 farmers markets in 1994, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Eating food shipped from overseas? The melamine-tainted animal feed ingredients came from China. But that doesn't mean that all imported food is suspect.
"The assumption that the imported products are unsafe is absolutely not true," Pillai says. "In fact, there are as many outbreaks associated with foods grown in the United States. So blaming it on imported products, I think, is a cop-out."
2. Map your supermarket route. Don't cruise the store aisles aimlessly. Gather nonperishable items first, fresh or frozen goods last. That strategy minimizes the time that perishable goods sit in your shopping cart instead of in a freezer or refrigerator.
3. Be choosy. Select fresh produce that isn't bruised or damaged. Check that eggs aren't cracked. Look for a clean meat or fish counter and a clean salad bar. Don't buy bulging or dented cans, cracked jars, or jars with loose or bulging lids. If fresh-cut produce (such as half a watermelon or bagged salad mixes) is on your shopping list, choose those that are refrigerated or surrounded by ice.
4. Pack it up. At the grocery store, bag fresh fruits and vegetables separately from meat, poultry, and seafood products.
Bring an ice chest to keep frozen or perishable items if it will take more than an hour to get those items home.
No ice chest? If it's hot outside, put the groceries in the air-conditioned passenger area of your car instead of putting them in the trunk, which may not have air-conditioning.
5. Keep your kitchen clean. Wash your cutting boards, countertops, refrigerator, pots, and utensils regularly in hot, soapy water, especially after they've been in contact with raw meat, poultry, and seafood.
6. Check your cutting boards. They shouldn't have lots of cracks and crevices where bacteria can lurk.
7. Sanitize. The FDA recommends periodically sanitizing your cutting boards, countertops, and kitchen sink drain with a homemade mixture of one teaspoon of chlorine bleach to one quart of water.
Sponges and dishcloths can house bacteria, so wash them weekly in hot water in the washing machine.
8. Store your food properly. Refrigerate frozen and perishable items as soon as possible.
Don't store foods near household chemicals or cleaning products. Some produce -- like onions and potatoes -- don't need to go in the refrigerator, but don't store them under the sink, where they could be damaged by leaky pipes.
9. Check the refrigerator and freezer temperature. Set the refrigerator temperature to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, set the freezer to zero degrees Fahrenheit.
Use a refrigerator thermometer to check those temperatures periodically.
10. Wash your hands. Before you handle food, lather up with soap and hot water, washing your hands for at least 20 seconds. Repeat after handling produce, meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs.
11. Wash fruits and vegetables in running water. A small scrub brush may help, but don't use soap or other detergents to wash produce.
What about produce washes? "All of these solutions and washes may have some applications but studies show that washing with water is as safe as anything else," says Pillai, who calls water the "most effective, the safest, and the cheapest" way to wash produce.
12. Thaw foods in the refrigerator, not on the countertop. It may take longer, but it's safer.
13. Cook foods thoroughly. Use a meat thermometer to make sure meat is fully cooked. Never put cooked meats on an unwashed plate or platter that has held raw meat.
14. Store leftovers safely. Refrigerate leftovers in tight containers as soon as possible and use them within three days. When in doubt, throw it out.
15. Maintain perspective. "There's no such thing as a zero risk," says Pillai. "There's no such thing as a sterile product."
Everyone in the U.S. should get more education about food safety "so the responsibilities are being spread all across from the proverbial farm to fork," says Pillai.
While you can't control everything that affects your food, "you should not lose a sense of reality," says Pillai. "I still believe that we have one of the safest supplies of food in the world."

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Find the best fitness friend

A workout buddy is hugely helpful for keeping motivated, but it's important to find someone who will inspire—not discourage. So make a list of all your exercise-loving friends, then see who fits this criteria, says Andrew Kastor, an ASICS running coach: Can your pal meet to exercise on a regular basis? Is she supportive (not disparaging) of your goals? And last, will your bud be able to keep up with you or even push your limits in key workouts? If you've got someone that fits all three, make that phone call.A workout buddy is hugely helpful for keeping motivated, but it's important to find someone who will inspire—not discourage. So make a list of all your exercise-loving friends, then see who fits this criteria, says Andrew Kastor, an ASICS running coach: Can your pal meet to exercise on a regular basis? Is she supportive (not disparaging) of your goals? And last, will your bud be able to keep up with you or even push your limits in key workouts? If you've got someone that fits all three, make that phone call.

Orgasm Much?

As far as scientists can tell, we are one of the few female species that experience some form of orgasm. Why do women orgasm? No one knows. Maybe the spasms help move sperm through the reproductive tract; maybe it helps bond women more closely to their partners. But as any woman who has ever had an orgasm can tell you: Who cares?
The point is that an orgasm is sheer pleasure. And what modern woman couldn't use a bit more pleasure in her life?
Beyond the bliss, there appear to be some unexpected health benefits to orgasm thanks to the release of the oxytocin and endorphins it triggers. These feel-good hormones contribute to relaxation, warmth and closeness, as well as helping reduce stress and fight pain and depression.
The problem comes when orgasm becomes the be all and end all of sex; when "getting there" becomes the goal rather than the bonus to an already pleasurable event.
Figures vary in terms of how many women are unable to reach orgasm on a regular basis. One study from the father of sexual research, Alfred Kinsey, found that one in four women are unable to reach orgasm during their first year of marriage, while up to 47 percent of women married 20 years are nearly always orgasmic (keep in mind this study was done in the early 1960s when sex meant marriage). Kinsey's research suggested that, luckily, the majority of women (approximately 90 percent) are able to experience orgasm by some method at some point in their lives. Other surveys and studies, including a Redbook magazine survey of 100,000 women, concluded that between 53 and 63 percent of women reach orgasm all or most of the time, although not necessarily through intercourse.
After menopause, the same drop in estrogen responsible for vaginal changes can affect your ability to orgasm because anything that affects the nerves or blood supply to the clitoris can affect the ability to orgasm. If this sounds like you, talk to your health care professional about options below that could improve vaginal lubrication, blood flow and sensation.

10 Simple Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Willpower!

That was the question on researchers' minds as they learned more about how the science behind this human virtue. Through many tests, they had discovered that willpower is like a muscle - it gets tired from overuse and requires food to replenish.
So, if it does act like a muscle, can it also be strengthened?
After several studies, we have our answer! With the right practice, willpower can be strengthened just like any other muscle in the body.
Fair warning: like all practice, these workouts can be challenging. After all, you will be exerting your willpower in the same way that you would exert your legs on a run. But they are scientifically proven to get you results. 
So although it will be difficult in the short-term, eventually it will be easier to say no to temptationsmake it to the gym and stick with your long-term goals!


Meditation will give you the fastest results of all of the willpower workouts listed. By meditating you are training the brain to focus and resist the urge to wander. Research shows that after just 2-3 days of practicing meditation for 10 minutes, your brain will be able to focus better, you will have more energy, and you will be less stressed. [1]
To get started with 10 minutes of meditation, check out this article.  It will provide you with all of the benefits of mediation as well as simple exercise designed specifically for beginners.


When testing if willpower could be strengthened, researchers asked a group of participants to work on their posture for a 2-week period. Every time they caught themselves slouching, they were to correct themselves by sitting up straight. This simple practice vastly improved their perseverance on various willpower tests like this one. [2]
To get started, simply correct your posture every time you catch yourself slouching at work or at home. It sounds extremely simple, but it takes willpower to sit up straight. Every time you do, you’re essentially doing “one rep” with your willpower muscle.


The same study also found that those who kept a food diary improved their willpower. Most of us don’t log all of the food we eat, so it takes willpower to keep track of it all. Any similar logging of information will also work, but I recommend a food diary because of all of its benefits listed here. [2]
To get started, I recommend downloading the MyFitnessPal App. It’s a simple food diary app that has a huge database of foods and nutrition information. Just keep the diary for 2 weeks, and it will increase your ability to resist temptations!


Using the same methodology as with posture, researchers conducted further studies that tested other corrective actions. One that worked particularly well was to use your opposite hand. Your brain is wired to use your dominant hand, so it takes willpower to use the opposite. [3]
To get started, select a chunk of the day to use your opposite hand. It doesn’t need to be any more than an hour in order to get results. And from personal experience, if you aim for more than an hour, you will unnecessarily tire out your willpower muscle.


Another test that the researchers conducted was to change subjects’ natural speech. This includes resisting the urge to use swear words, or to say “hello” instead of “hey”. Again, it takes willpower to consciously go against your instincts. It doesn’t matter how you correct your speech, as long as you change your natural speech habits. [3]
To get started, select a chunk of the day to practice and choose the words you will change. Personally, I tried not using contractions (using “do not” instead of “don’t”, etc.) during work hours and it worked very well. Like all exercises listed above, doing this for just 2 weeks can vastly improve your willpower!


Anyone who remembers their college days, remembers what it was like cramming for a test or doing a last minute paper. Your willpower gets taxed as you try to tune out distractions and become hyper-productive. Using this same principle, researchers found that by creating self-imposed deadlines you can work your willpower in the same way.
To get started, simply pick a task on your to-do list that you may have been putting off. Set a deadline for accomplishing it, and make sure you adhere to it. The participants who followed this process for 2 weeks not only got their old to-dos done, but also improved their diets, exercised more, and cut back on cigarettes and alcohol. [3] 


In the same way most of us don’t track the food that we eat, many of us don’t track our spending either. Even if you don’t cut back on spending – which would also be a willpower workout – researchers found that simply keeping track of where your money went will improve your willpower. [4] 
To get stated, try using a budgeting app like Mint. Mint can connect to your bank account, credit cards, etc. and automatically track your purchases. By simply reviewing this on a regular basis, you will see increases in your focus and ability to resist unrelated temptations like sweets.


For the truly determined who want to increase their perseverance, you can squeeze a handgrip until exhaustion. If you’ve ever squeezed one before, you know that it gives you a deep forearm burn. So it takes willpower to keep squeezing. [5]
To get started, simply get a handgrip like this one, and squeeze it with each hand until you’re exhausted. Willing yourself to continue squeezing even when it hurts will increase your perseverance on other challenging tasks.


Again, for the truly determined out there, you can increase your ability to say "no" by carrying around something tempting with you all day. Researchers tried this with participants by teaching them how to resist cravings, then giving them a Hershey’s Kiss to carry around with them. Those who resisted the Kiss were much more capable of resisting other temptations in their lives as well! [6]
To get started, first learn how to resist a craving. This will be hard, so your will want to know how to deal with the craving. Then carry something small but tempting with you. It doesn’t need to be for an entire day, but for long enough that you will be truly tempted. By consistently saying "no", you will increase your ability to resist other temptations and ignore distractions!


A final exercise is to simply be more mindful of your decisions throughout the day. We are often so lost in thought, that our actions become automatic. Taking time to think about why you are making your daily decisions will increase your ability to focus and resist temptations. [3]
To get started, try to catch yourself in an automatic behavior and ask yourself why you are doing it. This may be questioning why you are eating cereal instead of eggs for breakfast, or it may be questioning why exactly you put 2 sugars in your coffee. Any way you can think consciously about a typical automatic behavior will increase your focus and self-control.


Like all muscles in the body, willpower can be strengthened with the right practice. Above you will find 10 practical and effective ways to strengthen your self-control, focus and perseverance. Do not try to do all 10 at once.
Think about training your willpower muscle like training for a marathon. Your first training run wouldn’t be the full 26 miles or even close to that. You would start small and gradually build up as your muscles got stronger. So choose just 1 of these workouts to add to your daily routine.
Determine which workout seems practical and effective for the goal you want to achieve and get to work. By simply following the steps laid out, you will be well on your way to becoming more mentally strong!

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