Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The faster you can do 10 to be obese


Across the globe to reduce the health, abundance , there are tips on the fat ? Dogs are very surprised ? Although surprise you , but it 'll be happy . Tips to increase the weight of its kind to bring a sigh of relief . Physically emaciated is often heard from people is how the fat , so eat , but do not become obese .
From this moment of despair was released 10 Tips for them . Which can improve your weight ...

1. He woke up in order to increase the weight of the almond and plum Eat Nuts and Raisin option . Sleep during the night, half a cup of water in a small timber of nuts and raisin Soak sakale swelling when they eat .

2. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, I think they are eating to reduce weight, is not it? This will help you to increase the weight of fruits and vegetables. Many fruits and vegetables are high in calories. Mango, jackfruit, litchi, banana, ripe papaya, sweet pumpkin, sweet potatoes, green bananas, etc. Fruit osabaji playing weight increase. Without these increases your weight, you must be a good doctor. The sick and ill health as a result of a latent disease, but may be entitled.

3 . Increase the amount of food eaten and increase the amount of food is not always the pile . If you are thin due to low consumption , the amount of food you must be raised. Which normally go for , Part 1 of 4 percent increase in the amount of food per day eat .

4. Repeatedly to quit the habit of eating many people realize that the weight will be playing again . It is not at all correct . Eat hearty rather than rules . If gormandize metabolism rate decreases , resulting in the body's intake of calories and rightly much excess weight . Metabalijamabariye small to eat again , phaleojana reduced.
5. Keep food fried foods fried foods have plenty of fat .
Thus it is helpful to increase the weight .
Keep plenty of fresh vegetable salad with it .

6. Thinking of going to the gym to practice in the gym of people lose weight , why not go for a hike ? But the real word , not only are obese . Should be made to the body structure . If you go to the gym to build muscle, and increase the weight of the men go to the gym is actually very effective. Muscle weights more than fat as well
7. ' Starch , rice starch of rice , most people throw . Starch, rice starch largely goes away with starch . If you want to increase the weight of the rice- mara not cut it. This will be a tremendous benefit to increase the weight . Majao sunned rice starch rice to eat it.

8. Eat time before milk and honey, a foolproof strategy to increase the weight .  Some slept in the night before, eat a nutritious
Quite a lot of time to sleep before the day of honey mixed in a glass of milk will be eaten frequently .

9. Decrease in the rate of metabolism of fat, slow metabolism, as the responsible, but ill health, attributed the high rate of metabolism
So to be obese in the first place will reduce the rate of metabolism.
And the food that you eat, the more weight as your body will be able to deposit. Metabolism rate is low for a long time after the rest of the meal pratibela.
Do not do any work for at least 1 hour after a meal. bdlove24

10. Special diet foods to your regular meals as well as some high- calorie diet foods should be added , otherwise the weight increase is not a problem if hypertension can eat this food effortlessly. 

For example ghee / butter, eggs, cheese / cheese , soft drinks , cow - mutton meat, fried potatoes , sweet foods , chocolate , etc. meyanija . Increases the weight of the body is still cikitkera then check if the disease is found in any of the treatment to be done. Bowel disease, worms , dysentery , or if there is any infectious disease , but the weight is enough food to go. 
Tired , but constantly have to go the extra weight . When the rest, sleep, etc., to bring forth the patient to normal .

About Shabbir Ahmad :

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